
Integrated Engineered Solution for Realtime Through-Tubing Remedial Sand Control

Kuhaneswaren Ramah Moorthy, Nik Mohd Mohd Zainudin, Nazri Nor, Nabilla Arief Tham, Pin Y Huang, Eliza Ishak, Abdul Malek Ismail,Danny Aryo Wijoseno,Ignatius Sorman,Nigel Yong,Hai Liu,Chidi Nwafor,Kong Teng Ling,Rahmat Wibisono

Day 3 Wed, November 13, 2019(2019)

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Abstract Coiled tubing (CT) sand cleanout has been a normal practice for offshore wells, and repeated cleanout runs will have to be done over the years to sustain production. It has been observed that the production period of these offshore wells has shortened significantly after each cleanout due to sand particles loading up in the production tubing at a faster rate. This production trend is typical for wells with no downhole sand control in the original completion. Various aspects in terms of well design and reservoir conditions have significantly increased the complexity of sand cleanout. This, for example, includes the large 9 5/8-in. casing section with small dual upper completions of 2 7/8-in. production tubing, a high angle with a long horizontal section, and severely drawn-down reservoirs. There were also previous findings on the well where cement pebbles were found on the production choke at surface contributing to higher risk during intervention. An integrated engineered solution was brought forward to successfully execute the CT sand cleanout job by capitalizing on both engineering and operational efficiencies. In terms of technical and engineering design, real-time fiber-optic downhole telemetry system, nitrified cleanout with a shear-thinning gel fluid that has superior suspension ability, and a milling tool for cement pebble cleanout were utilized. Operationally, an electrical submersible pumping (ESP) system capable of providing continuous supply of seawater and custom-built skidding beams for sand screen deployment purposes were also introduced for the first time for CT operations in southeast Asia that successfully improved operational efficiency and job safety. A remedial sand control solution was also used to improve production longevity after sand cleanout, without doing any major pull-tubing workover or sidetrack drilling. Either through-tubing sand screens or a sand agglomeration treatment technique was carefully chosen and deployed to address the sand load-up issue in these wells. This paper discusses the operations, challenges, and the key success factors that have contributed to a well-engineered CT cleanout and deployment of sand screen and sand agglomeration treatment.
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