Performance Prediction and Optimization of Acid Fracturing Based on the Dynamic Differential Modeling Method

Day 1 Mon, November 11, 2019(2019)

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Abstract For prediction of the post production of acid fracturing, a numerical method has been introduced in this paper. This prediction approach is developed by the dynamic differential modeling method for forecasting single well acid fracturing performance. In this study, the average production during 30 days and fracture geometry after acid fracturing were determined as predicted indices. Fifteen parameters were considered as influencing factors consisted of geological, reservoir and treatment parameters. The field data of predicted indices and influencing parameters were collected from the data of 7 acid-fractured wells in the XB oil field. The historical data was input into the dynamic differential model to establish and discretize the relation functions. Three target well were chosen and their corresponding influencing factors were used to calculate the predicted indices. The results showed that for the target wells, the modeling predicted indices were fairly close to the real numbers. This model is practical for the engineer in the field since the input parameter acquisition is accessible from the common oil field data. It could help the engineers to optimize the acid fracturing treatment design by correlating the scale of the treatment.
acid fracturing
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