Комбинированные электромагнитные подвесы с пониженным энергопотреблением для левитационного транспорта

Е.Н. Андреев,Д.Н. Арсланова, Е.В. Ахметзянова,А.М. Базаров, В.Н. Васильев, О.С. Васильева, М.С. Верхотуров,Е.И. Гапионок, А.А. Дёмина, С.В. Завадский, М.Ю. Зенкевич,М.В. Капаркова, В.Д. Кузьменков,А.Н. Лабусов,М.С. Ларионов,М.В. Манзук, А.В. Мизинцев, А.Н. Неженцев, Д.А. Овсянников, А.Д. Овсянников,М.В. Хохлов

Журнал технической физики(2019)

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The magnetic levitation technology is principally categorized as electromagnetic suspension and electrodynamic suspension, both now practically implemented in maglev trains in China, Korea, Japan and other countries. The magnetic field to levitate a vehicle can be provided by either normal conducting electromagnets, or superconducting magnets, or high-coercivity permanent magnets. With the technology advancing in superconductors and magnetic materials, hybrid configurations that employ different types of magnets become promising for commercial application. Magnets synergy results in better performance and lower energy consumption as justified by virtual prototyping and measurements on sub-scale models. Stable levitation of a loaded platform has been demonstrated on a test bench. A series of parametric simulations (performed with the use of software developed in RF) and magnetic measurements enabled validation of computational and physical models of all magnets and adjustment of numerical procedures for scaling parameters with respect to the practical load capacity and other operational characteristics. The established approach will be used for full-scale modelling of realistic maglev vehicles, particularly, a 50-ton flat freight car.
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