World experience in terms of the agricultural land market formation

Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University, "Economics" Series(2019)

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The article deals with the analysis of Central and Eastern Europe countries’ experience in terms of agricultural land market introduction. Author searches for the appropriate concept of a land market development taking into consideration all aspects of economic, political, and social development of Ukraine. The concept of land market, the need to create and present state of development, its main components and directions of development in Ukraine are considered. The functioning of the agricultural land market in the world’s developed countries is researched. The approaches to the formation of the agricultural land market in the EU countries were analyzed and the prospects of the agricultural land market liberalization’s economic effect in Ukraine were estimated. The land ownership relations in some countries of the world are clarified, in particular in terms of land ownership forms, restrictions on the size of those land plots for which property rights can be obtained, land evaluation, etc. The main aspects of the foreign countries’ experience, which can be applied during the formation of the land market in Ukraine, are provided.
agricultural land market formation,world experience
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