Numerical Investigation on Altitude Static Pressure Tapping Location Design of a Reentry Capsule

Zhang Zhang,Liwu Wang, Wei Huang,Jiangli Lei, Rui Zhao

Lecture Notes in Electrical EngineeringThe Proceedings of the 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2018)(2019)

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Aerodynamic performance and surface flow of reentry capsule are important for altitude static pressure tapping location design and pressure coefficient calibration. A capsule CFD model is presented and aerodynamic performance in different Mach number, angle-of-attack (AOA) and angle-of-side-slip (AOSS) is investigated in this paper. Based on statistics principle of minimum variance and deviation, location optimization design of altitude static pressure tapping is also conducted in this paper. The result shows numerical accuracy of aerodynamic performance is validated through comparison with wind tunnel test results. Aerodynamic performance of the reentry capsule is in a steady level from −30° to 30° AOA and −10° to 10° AOSS. High absolute value of positive and negative AOA & AOSS can significantly induce deterioration of capsule aerodynamic performance. According to statistics principle of minimum variance and deviation, three appropriate tapping points are obtained. With pressure coefficient histogram analysis, ideal altitude static pressure tapping location is selected.
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Key words
Capsule, Altitude static pressure tapping, Aerodynamic performance, Numerical simulation, Optimization design
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