Przebranżowienie i nowe wyzwania kompetencyjne na rynku pracy dla osób w średnim wieku (dla osób 45+)

Cywilizacja i Polityka(2018)

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Demographic changes, and in particular the aging of the population, affect the changing needs of the labor market. Many reports and analysis indicate that it is a very important challenge for both governments and employers to activate people aged 45+, prepare them for retirement and longer activities, acquire new qualifications and competencies and compete with young people. It is all about adapting older employees to function within the changing ways of innovative production techniques and methods, so that they can remain productive in the work environment for as long as possible. It should be assumed that people over 45 years of age by investing in their own professional development will become more competitive in the labor market and thus will not allow marginalization and stigmatization of this age group. Initiatives limiting the negative effects of aging populations and contraction of labor resources as well as the elimination of unemployment among people over 45, including training, improving their competences or retraining, are very important here.
Human Aging,Workforce Attitudes,Work-Life Balance
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