Hepato-osteodystrophic syndrome at ewes in the East of Ukraine

P. Sharandak, V. Levchenko

Visnyk agrarnoi nauky(2017)

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The purpose. To study spread and to determine diagnostic criteria of hepato-osteodystrophic syndrome at ewes in the East of Ukraine. Methods. Laboratory, biochemical, statistical. Results. Spread of joint pathology of liver and calcium-phosphoric exchange at ewes in the East of Ukraine, as well as the cause of origination and diagnostic criteria is studied. Conclusions. Hepato-osteodystrophic syndrome is spread at 7,6% of ewes. The cause of this pathology is imbalance of rations. The most informative parameters of that syndrome are: hypocalcemia (100%), hypoalbuminemia (79,3%), hyper-γ-globulinemia (44,8%), and hyperactivity of GGTP (48,3 %).
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