Birinci siniftan üçüncü sinifa diş hekimliği öğrencilerinin ve ailelerinin ağiz ve diş sağliği hakkindaki bilgi, tutum ve davraniş

Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi(2020)

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Amac: Dis hekimligi ogrencilerinin agiz ve dis sagligi ile ilgili egitimlerini topluma, cevrelerine, ailelerine ve arkadaslarina aktarabilmesi, toplumda agiz ve dis sagligi bilincinin duzgun bir sekilde gelisebilmesi icin oldukca onemlidir. Bu durum goz onune alinarak bu calismada, dis hekimligi fakultesinde ogrenim goren ogrencilerin 1. siniftan 3. sinifa ilerledikleri donemde, agiz ve dis sagligi tutum ve davranislarindaki degisiklikleri incelemek ve bu degisikliklerin aileleri uzerindeki etkilerini arastirmak hedeflenmistir. Gerec ve yontem: Ayni ogrenci grubunun iki farkli donemde degerlendirildigi bu kesitsel calismada veri toplama araci olarak anket formlari kullanilmistir. Calismanin ilk asamasinda 23 birinci sinif ogrencisi ve bu ogrencilerle birlikte yasayan 71 hane halki calismaya katilmistir. Iki yil sonra gerceklestirilen ikinci asamada ise, 15 ogrencinin ve 49 hane halkinin arastirmaya katilimi saglanmistir. Ogrenciler icin uc bolumden olusan 49 soruluk, hane halki icin ise 2 bolumden olusan 24 soruluk anket formlari kullanilmistir. Bulgular: Ogrencilerin % 69,6’si (n=16) birinci sinifta agiz ve dis sagligi bilgi duzeylerinin yetersiz oldugunu dusunurken, ucuncu sinifa ilerlediklerinde yalnizca % 6,7’si (n=1) kendilerini yetersiz gormuslerdir. Ogrencilerin ve hane halkinin birinci ve ucuncu siniftaki tutum ve davranislari karsilastirildiginda kullandiklari dis macunun florid icermesi ve bunu bilme durumunun, dis hekimini son ziyaret zamaninin ve ek olarak hane halkinda dis fircalama suresinin olumlu yonde degistigi gorulmus ve bu degisimler istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunmustur. Sonuc: Calismamizda ogrencilerin egitim surecleri boyunca, hane halkinda agiz ve dis sagligi konusunda olumlu yonde degisim tespit edilmistir. Bu degisim ile aslinda dis hekimligi ogrencilerinin mezuniyet oncesinde en temel halleriyle henuz ucuncu sinifa geldiklerinde bile sagligin gelistirilmesine katki verebilecegini gostermistir. Ogrenciler agiz ve dis sagligi ile ilgili sagligi gelistirme programlarinda, universite ogrencileri arasindaki akran egitim programlarinda, agiz ve dis sagligi okuryazarliginda is gucu olarak katki verebilirler. Anahtar kelimeler: agiz sagligi, dis sagligi arastirmalari, dis hekimligi ogrencileri, saglik anketleri COMPARISON OF THE INFORMATION, ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIORS OF DENTAL STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS ON ORAL AND DENTAL HEALTH IN DENTAL STUDENTS’ FIRST AND THIRD YEARS Abstract Aim: Dental students should be able to collect their oral and dental health education and transfer them to their surroundings, to their families and friends for proper development of oral and dental health consciousness in society. When this situation has been taken into consideration, it was aimed to investigate the changes in oral and dental health attitudes and behaviors of dental students and to investigate the effects of these changes on their families when they progressed from the first to third years in this study. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study where the same group was evaluated in two different periods, questionnaire forms were used as data collection tools. In the first phase of the study, 23 first year students and 71 households living with these students participated in the study. In the second phase, which took place two years later, 15 students and 49 households participated in the research. A questionnaire with 49 questions consisting of three parts and a questionnaire with 24 questions consisting of two parts for the households were used. Results: While 69.6% (n = 16) of the students thought that oral and dental health information levels were insufficient in their first year, only 6.7% (n = 1) had seen themselves inadequate when they advanced to third years. When compared to the first and third years of students and households, floride content of toothpaste and knowing this, and period of last visit to the dentist have changed positively and found statistically significant. In addition, the period of toothbrushing were found to have changed positively in households and found statistically significant. Conclusion: In our study, during the education process of the students, positive change in the oral and dental health in the household was determined. This change in households has shown that dental students can contribute to the improvement of health, even when they are in their third grade, in their most basic state before graduation. Students may contribute to oral and dental health care programs, peer education programs among university students, oral and dental health literacy as work force. Key words: oral health, dental health surveys, dental students, health surveys
Student Behavior
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