MIRADAS: the facility multi-object medium-resolution NIR spectrograph for the GTC (Conference Presentation)

Stephen S. Eikenberry,Steven Nicholas Raines,R. Deno Stelter,Alan Garner,Yigit Dallilar,Kendall Ackley,John G. Bennett,Brian Chinn,Scott Mullin,Sidney Schofield,Craig Warner,Frank Varosi,Bo Zhao, Sophia A. Eikenberry,Claudia Vega,Veronica H. Donoso, Christian Carrera, Denisse Almeida, Gabriel Fuentes,Josep Sabater,José María Gomez, Francisco Garzón López,Pablo Lopez, Josefina `. Rosich, Anthony Russo,Antonio Marin-Franch, Arkaitz Larman, Miguel-Angel Carrera, Greg J. Fitzgerald,Ian Prees, Todd M. Stolberg,Peter Kornik, Anamparambu N. Ramaprakash,Mahesh Burse,Sujit Punnadi,Peter Hammersley

Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII(2018)

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MIRADAS (Mid-resolution InfRAreD Astronomical Spectrograph) is the facility near-infrared multi-object echelle spectrograph for the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) 10.4-meter telescope. MIRADAS operates at spectral resolution R=20,000 over the 1-2.5µm bandpass), and provides multiplexing (up to N=12 targets) and spectro-polarimetry. The MIRADAS consortium includes the University of Florida, Universidad de Barcelona, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, as well as partners at A-V-S (Spain), New England Optical Systems (USA), and IUCAA (India). MIRADAS completed its Final Design Review in 2015, and in this paper, we review the current status and overall system design for the instrument, with scheduled delivery in 2018. We particularly emphasize key developments in cryogenic robotic probe arms for multiplexing, a macro-slicer mini-IFU, an advanced cryogenic spectrograph optical system, and a SIDECAR-based array control system for the 1x2 HAWAII-2RG detector mosaic.
gtc,conference presentation,multi-object,medium-resolution
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