Regionalization of Serbia as an instrument of balanced regional development and reduction of regional inequalities

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu(2017)

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Regionalization of Serbia in the second half of the 20th century was characterized by the dominance of the traditional approach, based on classical understanding of region as a static physiognomic spatial unit, with some attempts at economic regionalization. Such regionalizations were largely inapplicable in practice, so that they did not become part of legislative related to the planning of a balanced development of the territory of Serbia. Decentralization in socialism did not yield expected results, and after political changes in the late 20th century, Serbia became a highly centralized state. The modern concept of regionalization is relatively new in Serbia. Regional dimension of development has become the subject of scientific research in the last few decades, which is conditioned by the growing economic and demographic disparities between different parts of the state. Creating a NUTS regions in Serbia in 2009 was the first step towards modern regionalization. However, NUTS regions in Serbia do not have autonomy in regional governance and can not be able to decrease developmental disparities and support long-term economic and social development. It is therefore necessary that these territorial units get appropriate competencies in governance and decision-making, which would ensure de facto decentralization of the state and give a clear sense to the newly formed regions.
serbia,regionalization,regional development,regional inequality,nuts regions
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