A hepatitis C-vírus (HCV) három évtizede a felfedezéstől a globális elimináció lehetőségéig: a transzlációs kutatás sikere

Orvosi Hetilap(2018)

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Abstract: More than 25 years after the discovery of hepatitis C virus, the development of the direct acting antivirals can lead to the regional or long-term global elimination of the virus with over 90% efficacy. This is the success of basic and clinical translational research. Yet, some unsolved challanges remain, such as the great number of unidentified patients who are not aware of their condition, the limited access to the therapy due to the high prices of the drugs, and the treatment of resistance-associated variants. In addition, the lack of vaccine is also an obstacle. In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the first global health sector strategy for the elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030. Its evidence-based guidelines are primarily targeted at the national hepatitis programme managers who are responsible for the national testing and treatment plans. According to these recommendations, it is of basic importance to perform focused risk-based testing in higher-risk populations and after diagnosis to start treatment as “cure as prevention”, furthermore, to limit the risk of reinfection. We review the events of the HCV story from the discovery to these days, including virology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(12): 455–465.
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