Evidence of Association between Epstein Barr Virus Serum Antibodies with HAs and RI as Biomarkers of Active Rheumatoid Arthritis

German Perez, Maria Jose Svetaz, Leda Urli, Ricardo Volpintesta, Miguel Angel Taborda,Daniela Gardiol,Adriana Giri,Alejandra Luquita

Current Biomarkers(2018)

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Background: Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) infection has been associated with the Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) etiopathology, thus, considering it a relevant etiological agent in the disease development. We have previously observed the Hyaluronic Acid (HA) serum increase in active RA patients (DAS 28-4 > 2.6) which might be responsible for the erythrocyte deformability, estimated by the erythrocyte Rigidity Index (RI). Objective: In the present study, we analyzed in one hundred RA patients if anti-EBV serum antibodies (TsEBV) and HA and RI levels are related with the disease activity. Results: [HA] s [[controls]]: 20.0 ± 9; [HA] s [[AR]]: 155.8 ± 44 (p< 0.00001 vs. controls (n:40). Antibodies anti-EBV (1/ TsEBV) [[controls]]: 2.55 ± 0.49; [[RA]]: 1.85 ± 0.35 (p< 0.00001 vs. controls). There were significant correlations between DAS 28-4 vs. log2 1/TsEBV (r: 0.70, p < 0.00001) and DAS 28-4 vs. RI (r: 0.75, p < 0.00001) in active RA patients. However, we observed a strong positive correlation between [HA] s in active RA patients vs. log2 1/TsEBV (r: 0.83, p < 0.00001) and [HA] s vs. RI (r: 0.91, p < 0.00001). Conclusion: The correlation obtained points out that the TsEBV may be related with the degree of RA activity determined by DAS28-4 and [HA]s in these patients. There was also a decrease in erythrocyte deformability estimated as RI, which is correlated with the DAS 28-4 activity index. Therefore, RI can be used as a reliable marker of RA activity. These findings might suggest a role of EBV infection regarding an autoimmune mechanism present in RA. Keywords: Disease activity Score 28-4, Epstein - Barr virus, erythrocyte deformability, erythrocyte rigidity index, hyaluronic acid, rheumatoid arthritis.
epstein barr virus serum,active rheumatoid arthritis,antibodies
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