Mangrove Restoration an Economical Alternative for Generating Incomes

Ángel Sol Sánchez,Gloria Isela Hernández Melchor, Juan Manuel Zaldívar Cruz,Carlos Alberto Zúñiga González, José Luis Santiváñez Galarza

World Sustainability SeriesTowards a Sustainable Bioeconomy: Principles, Challenges and Perspectives(2018)

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Mangroves are distributed in the American continent from the southern of the United States to South America and play an important role in the economies of coastal communities that provide a wide diversity of satisfaction ranging from food until protect communities of the wind, hurricanes and storms. However, the presence of pests, diseases, misuse of resources and the fire has been linked to the disappearance of the ecosystem. In 2010, a massive defoliation of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans L.) caused by Caterpillar Anacamptodes sp was presented, which altered the economic activities practiced in the zone. It problem caused death of this species in an area of 3846 hectares. In 2012 the restoration of 50 hectares began in the ejido Las Coloradas, Cardenas Tabasco to assess the response of the ecosystem and ecological succession. Further growth of mangrove plants, gradual recovery of fishing activity, return of biodiversity, income stabilization and water levels was obtained. Local and national authorities have acknowledged the work done and the process is being transferred to other affected areas. It is expected that the coastal population affected recover their productive activities and keep the restored area. Community participation was 179 people; four workshops were held and given the exchange with other zones similar. The plague disappeared by itself in March 2011 but has been developed insecticides if it presents again. In conclusion mangroves it should be considered a priority in the production of food for coastal populations would enhance its ecological restoration as they constitute a niche for feeding, nesting, shelter, perch and reproduction of local and migratory birds as well as being the habitat for many species of mammals, reptiles and invertebrates.
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