1St Generation European Corn Borer Larvicide Trial, 1995

Arthropod Management Tests(1996)

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Abstract The trial was planted 8 May at the Entomology Research Farm in East Lansing, MI. Experimental design was a RCB with 4 replications. Granular insecticides applied at-threshold for ECB control were delivered through electrically driven Noble metering units attached to a toolbar behind the tractor. Liquid materials were applied with a backpack sprayer. Several registered corn rootworm insecticides were included in the test to address the question of whether or not 1 st generation ECB protection can be expected from an insecticide application targeting corn rootworm (CRW) larvae. These were applied as a T-band and incorporated with drag chains. The time of application for the CRW treatments is referred to as “at planting”, except in the case of Furadan 4F targeting CRW which is indicated by “cultivation”. The cultivation treatment was applied on 6 Jun. The Furadan 4F cultivation plots consisted of 3 rows to allow for broadcast application. All other plots were 1 row X 50 ft. Each plot had an untreated buffer row on either side. Ten consecutive plants in each plot were artificially infested with 2 blackhead-stage ECB egg masses. European corn borer threshold treatments were applied 5 d after artificial infestation. The number of artificially infested plants with ECB cavities, the total number of cavities and the cumulative cm of cavity length were recorded as a measure of ECB damage. Data were subjected to ANOVA and means separated using DMRT.
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