Solid Rocket Motor Internal Ballistics Simulation Considering Complex 3D Propellant Grain Geometries

Energetic Materials Research, Applications, and New TechnologiesAdvances in Chemical and Materials Engineering(2018)

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Solid rocket motors (SRM) are extensively employed in satellite launchers, missiles and gas generators. Design considers propulsive parameters with dimensional, manufacture, thermal and structural constraints. Solid propellant geometry and computation of its burning rate are essential for the calculation of pressure and thrust vs time curves. The propellant grain geometry changes during SRM burning are also important for structural integrity and analysis. A computational tool for tracking the propagation of tridimensional interfaces and shapes is then necessary. In this sense, the objective of this work is to present the developed computational tool (named RSIM) to simulate the burning surface regression during the combustion process of a solid propellant. The SRM internal ballistics simulation is based on 3D propagation, using the level set method approach. Geometrical and thermodynamic data are used as input for the computation, while simulation results of geometry and chamber pressure versus time are presented in test cases.
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