Intelligent Traffic Light Management using Multi-Behavioral Agents

Proceedings XIII Jornadas de Ingenieria Telematica - JITEL2017(2017)

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One of the biggest challenges in modern societies is to solve vehicular traffic problems. In this scenario, our proposal is to use a Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) composed of three types of agent: traffic light management agents, traffic jam detection agents, and agents that control the traffic lights at an intersection. This third type of agent is able to change its behaviour between what we have called a selfish mode (the agent will try to influence the other neighbour agents of its type to achieve its goal) or an altruistic mode (the agent will take into consideration the other neighbour selfish agents indications). To validate our solution, we have developed a MAS emulator which communicates with the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) traffic simulator using the Traci tool to realize the experiments in a realistic environment. The obtained results show that our proposal is able to improve other existing solutions such as conventional traffic light management systems (static or dynamic) in terms of reduction of vehicle trip duration.
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Key words
intelligent traffic light management,agents,multi-behavioral
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