Distribution of the spotted minnow (Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842)) (Teleostei: Galaxiidae) in Western Australia including range extensions and sympatric species

Records of the Western Australian Museum(2006)

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Galaxias maculatus was captured from a number of rivers outside its previously known range. In Western Australia, it was formerly only known from rivers and lakes between the Goodga River (Two People's Bay, 30 km east of Albany) and the Dailey River (50 km east of Esperance), with additional records from the Boat Harbour Lakes (Kent River). An intensive survey of the inland fishes in rivers and lakes along the south coast of Western Australia has extended its distribution east by 50 km (Thomas River), west by approximately 40 km (Walpole River) and north by 400 km (Harvey River). The Western Australian Museum also has a specimen from the Canning River, a further 100 km north. Field salinity tolerance of G maculatus was high, with fish found alive in 81 mScm 1 (-45 ppt). The freshwater piscifauna east of, and including, the Pallinup River is depauperate, with G. maculatusbeing the only freshwater species present. All sympatric teleosts are tolerant of salinity and, with the exception of the introduced Gambusia holbrooki, are estuarine, including Pseudogobius olorum, Leptatherina wallacei and Acanthopagrus butcheri.
galaxiidae,galaxias maculatus,minnow,sympatric species
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