A Nonglycosylated 27 KDa Molecule as Common Antigen between Human Breast Cancer and <i>Echinococcus granulosus</i> Hydatid Cyst Wall

Advances in Breast Cancer Research(2016)

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Background: Hydatid cyst, which has anti-cancer activities, is outwardly covered with the cyst wall. It is in close contact with the host tissues and its molecules presented to the immune system. In this work immunological reaction of the sera of breast cancer patients with the hydatid cyst wall antigens has been investigated. Method: For this purpose, sera of patients with breast cancer, hydatid cyst and normal human sera were collected and their reaction with hydatid cyst wall antigens was tested using western immunoblotting technique. Results: All sera of patients with breast cancer, hydatid cyst and also human normal sera reacted with a band in western immunoblotting. However, sera of patients with breast cancer showed reaction with a 27 KDa band. Results of this work also revealed that this band was not glycosylated and may express only in some stages of breast cancer development. Conclusion: Sera of patients with breast cancer cross reacted with a nonglycosylated antigen of hydatid cyst wall. However, more work is recommended to find if this band involves in anticancer activity of the hydatid cyst.
common antigen,kda molecule,human breast cancer,breast cancer
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