Modern complex non-invasive methods for diagnosing ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation

L. Manchev, T. Manolova, V. Mancheva-Ganeva, I. Manchev

Trakia Journal of Science(2015)

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Cerebral ischemic strokes (cerebral infarctions) represent 80% of the acute disorders of cerebral circulation.They most frequently occur in cases of atherosclerosis of the extraand intracranial vessels and /or arterial hypertension, in cardiac diseases (, rhythm and conduction disorders), cerebral vasculitis, blood diseases, related to hypercoagulability (trombocytosis), etc. One of the welldocumented risk factors for the cerebrovascular disease is the asymptomatic carotid stenoses (ACS) and the symptomatic ones, especially those that have hemodynamic significance. In a lot of cases the use of CТ, MRT of the brain and Doppler sonography is not informative enough for the understanding of the etiopathogenesis of cerebral strokes. This is true especially for those, having occurred in the vertebrobasilar vascular system. This calls for the combined use of several diagnostic methods, especially in the cases in which the genesis of ischemic strokes can be explained with the simultaneous influence of several risk factors.
cerebral circulation,ischemic disorders,non-invasive
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