The NOvA DAQ Monitor System

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2015)

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The NOvA (NuMI Off-Axis ve Appearance) experiment is a long-baseline neutrino experiment designed to search for vµ (vµ) to ve (ve) oscillations using Fermilab's NuMI main injector neutrino beam. The experiment consists of two detectors; both positioned 14 mrad off the beam axis: a 220 ton Near Detector constructed in an underground cavern at Fermilab and a 14 kton Far Detector constructed in Ash River, MN, 810 km from the beam source. The health and performance of the NOvA Data Acquisition (DAQ) system is monitored with a DAQ Monitor system based on the Ganglia distributed monitoring system, an open source third-party product which provides much of the NOvA DAQ monitoring needs out-of-the-box. This paper will discuss the use of the Ganglia system for this purpose, including augmentations we have made to the Ganglia base for the specific needs of our system. This paper will also discuss two other systems used to monitor the quality of the data collected by the NOvA detectors: an Online Monitoring system and Event Display, both of which leverage tools from the offline framework to provide close to real time diagnostic tools of detector performance.
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