Pharmacoepidemiology of medicinal agents, used for the treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with chronic obstructive pulonary disease

Даурова, M. Daurova, Гатагонова,Tamara Gatagonova, Болиева,Laura Bolieva, Кцоева,Svetlana Ktsoeva

Vladikavkaz Medico-Biological Bulletin(2014)

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The article presents the results of pharmacoepidemiological study, conducted with the aim of studying the peculiarities of antihypertensive therapy in patients with arterial hypertension (AH), and chronic obstructive pulmonary isease (COPD) in the Republic North Ossetia-Alania. Retrospective descriptive study according to the medical records of patients (n=568) of all outpatient clinics of the republic was performed. According to the obtained data, recommended by the doctors, the therapy does not correspond with the modern clinical recommendations on the majority of cases. The main lacks of the AH and COPD patients’ treatment are inadequate choice of the antihypertensive preparations for the start therapy, unfoundedly often use of monotherapy, non-rational combination of the medicinal drags, that leads to the absence of the carried out therapy effect in majority of patients.
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Key words
chronic obstructive pulonary disease,medicinal agents,arterial hypertension,treatment
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