Immunohistochemical distribution of ınsulin-, glucagon-, and somatostatin-containing cells in the pancreas of the rat (Wistar albino)

Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi(2009)

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Summary The aim of the present study was to determine the regional distribution of the insulin-, glucagon-, and somatostatincontaining cells in the pancreas of rat. Tissue samples were obtained under deep ethyl ether anaesthesia from 10 adult rat (Wistar albino). Tissue sections were stained with Crossmon’s connective tissue staining for general observations. Sections were further processed for standart immunohistochemical techniques using the avidin- biotin-complex method for the distribution of insulin-, glucagon-, and somatostatin-containing cells. It was monitored that insulin-containing B cells were located central regions of the islets of Langerhans whereas glucagon- containing A cells and somatostatin- containing D cells were located peripheral regions of the islets. Somatostatin- containing cells were rare in the islets of Langerhans. Our findings make additional contribution to those of pancreatic studies of rats which have been often used as an animal model in the studies dealing with diabetes or islet cell tumours.
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Key words
pancreas,immunohistochemical distribution,cells,somatostatin-containing
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