Update on the Model Based Systems Engineering on the Europa Mission Concept Study

INCOSE International Symposium(2013)

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In May 2012 the Europa study team delivered to NASA the final reports on three distinct concepts for exploring Europa on a limited budget. The depth and quality of these reports have been widely praised by independent reviewers as well as by our sponsor. The application of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) techniques is credited with enabling the team to study three quite different mission concepts for the resources normally sufficient to study only one or two. The Europa MBSE infusion itself has been awarded the NASA Systems Engineering Excellence Award in 2012. The Europa team is now preparing for its Mission Concept Review and has reaffirmed and strengthened the MBSE application. Significant new capabilities have been completed, most importantly the Powered Equipment List (PEL) and the computation of scenario-based power and energy margins. This paper provides an update on the continued successful application of MBSE in the dynamic environment of early mission formulation, the significant new results produced and several additional lessons learned in the process.
model based systems engineering,europa mission concept study
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