The distribution and structural fingerprints of metals from particulate matters (PM) deposited in human lungs


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This work investigated the distribution and chemical fingerprints of 24 metals in particulate matter (PM) deposited in nonoccupational human lungs. Metals in the pulmonary PM can be grouped by the mean concentration as > 5 x 10(3) mu g/g (Al/Fe/Ca/Mg/Zn), 1-5 x 10(3) mu g/g (Ti/Ba/Pb/Mn), 0.2-1 x 10(3) mu g/g (Cu/Cr/As/V) and < 100 mu g/g (Ni/Sn/Cd/Sb). Three parameters (LFL, LR, EFP) were defined to predict different metal leaching behaviors. The leaching factor (LFL) of metals was 10-60 for Pb/Sb/Cd/Co/Cu and decreased to 1-2 for Ni/Cr/ Mg/Al/Fe. Metals showed a divergent extent of lung retention (LR), including high retention (LR > 10, Al/Cd/Cr/ Ba/Ni/Ti/Sn/V/Sb), moderate retention (2
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Metals, Fine particulate matter, Human lung, Noncorrosive extraction, Atomic-resolution microscopic morphology, Metal leaching behaviors
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