
Smart Spider Monkey Optimization (SSMO) for Energy-Based Cluster-Head Selection Adapted for Biomedical Engineering Applications.

Contrast media & molecular imaging/Contrast media and molecular imaging(2022)

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Using energy efficiency to increase the life and sustainability of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for biomedical applications is still a challenge. Clustering has boosted energy productivity by allowing cluster heads to be categorized, but its implementation is still a challenge. Existing cluster head selection criteria start with determining acceptable cluster head locations. The cluster heads are picked from the nodes that are most closely connected with these places. This location-based paradigm incorporates challenges such as faster processing, less precise selection, and redundant node selection. The development of the sampling-based smart spider monkey optimization (SSMO) approach is addressed in this paper. If the sample population's nodes are varied, network nodes are picked from among them. The problems with distributed nodes and cluster heads are no longer a concern. This article shows how to use an SSMO and smart CH selection to increase the lifetime and stability of WSNs. The goal of this study is to look at how cluster heads are chosen using standard SMO and sampling-based SMO for biomed applications. Low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy centralized (LEACH-C), particle swarm optimization clustering protocol (PSO-C), and SSMO improved routing protocol measurements are compared to those obtained in homogeneous and heterogeneous settings using equivalent methodologies. In these implementations, SSMO boosts network longevity and stability periods by an estimated 12.22%, 6.92%, 32.652%, and 1.22%.
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