Survey on Availability of Domiciliary Dental Care under 16-km Rule


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In Japan, domiciliary care fees are only covered by the public health insurance system if the clinic concerned is located within 16 km of the patient's residence. This nationwide rule does not take local conditions into account and therefore may not be appropriate. The goal of the present study was to assess the current state of domiciliary dental care nationwide in view of this restriction to clarify the current situation and any inherent problems. Six dental institutions providing domiciliary dental care were selected by location (urban or mountainous area) and size. Travel time from clinics to the 16 km points and the longest time required for the journey from clinics were investigated. Two of the dental clinics were located in depopulated areas with few dental institutions. These clinics had to provide domiciliary dental care not only in the 16-km area around the clinic, but also in areas over 16 km away. Travel time to the 16-km points was between 52 and 90 min. On the other hand, the longest time for actual visiting was between 30 and 60 min. In some areas, no domiciliary dental care was available within the 16 km limit. This indicates that the 16-km area is too wide to be covered by one dental institution alone and that it poses a problem in areas with few dental institutions. This suggests that it would be preferable to consider time required to visit rather than geographical distance in forming policy. The 16-km limit often spans multiple residential areas, indicating that greater coordination is needed between the Community-based Integrated Care System and dental offices.
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Domiciliary dental care, National health insurance, Population density, Dental care for aged, The community-based integrated care system
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