The Benefit of Hindsight: Tracing Edge-Cases in Distributed Systems


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Today's distributed tracing frameworks only trace a small fraction of all requests. For application developers troubleshooting rare edge-cases, the tracing framework is unlikely to capture a relevant trace at all, because it cannot know which requests will be problematic until after-the-fact. Application developers thus heavily depend on luck. In this paper, we remove the dependence on luck for any edge-case where symptoms can be programmatically detected, such as high tail latency, errors, and bottlenecked queues. We propose a lightweight and always-on distributed tracing system, Hindsight, where each constituent node acts analogously to a car dash-cam that, upon detecting a sudden jolt in momentum, persists the last hour of footage. Hindsight implements a retroactive sampling abstraction: when the symptoms of a problem are detected, Hindsight retrieves and persists coherent trace data from all relevant nodes that serviced the request. Developers using Hindsight receive the exact edge-case traces they desire; by comparison existing sampling-based tracing systems depend wholly on serendipity. Our experimental evaluation shows that Hindsight successfully collects edge-case symptomatic requests in real-world use cases. Hindsight adds only nanosecond-level overhead to generate trace data, can handle GB/s of data per node, transparently integrates with existing distributed tracing systems, and persists full, detailed traces when an edge-case problem is detected.
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