CD8 T Cell Memory Inflation is Driven by Latent CMV Infection of Lymphatic Endothelial Cells


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CMV, a ubiquitous herpesvirus, elicits an extraordinarily large T cell response that is sustained or increases over time, a phenomenon termed ‘memory inflation.’ Remarkably, even latent, non-productive infection can drive memory inflation. Despite intense research on this phenomenon, the infected cell type(s) involved are unknown. To identify the responsible cell type(s), we designed a Cre-lox murine CMV (MCMV) system, where a spread-deficient (ΔgL) virus expresses recombinant SIINFEKL only in Cre+ host cells. We found that latent infection of endothelial cells (ECs), but not dendritic cells (DCs) or hepatocytes, was sufficient to drive CD8 T cell memory inflation. Infection of Lyve-1-Cre and Prox1-CreERT2 mice revealed that amongst EC subsets, infection of lymphatic ECs was sufficient. Genetic ablation of β2m on lymphatic ECs did not prevent inflation, suggesting another unidentified cell type can also present antigen to CD8 T cells during latency. This novel system definitively shows that antigen presentation by lymphatic ECs drives robust CD8 T cell memory inflation. SUMMARY Active T cell immunosurveillance during latent CMV infection results in T cell ‘memory inflation.’ A novel Cre-lox genetic system for cell-specific antigen expression reveals that lymphatic ECs, but not DCs or hepatocytes, can drive CD8 T cell memory inflation. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. * BAC : bacterial artificial chromosome β2m : beta-2-microglobulin DCs : dendritic cells ECs : endothelial cells gL : glycoprotein L HCMV : human CMV LSL : lox-stop-lox MCMV : mouse CMV SL8 : SIINFEKL
latent cmv infection,cd8,cells
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