Linitis plastica: current prognostic implication of a classic concept

Aingeru Sarriugarte-Lasarte,Eva García-Alberdi,Silvia Pérez-Fernández,Oihane Gutiérrez-Grijalba, Patricia Mifsut-Porcel, Yanina Kataryniuk-Di Costanzo, Patricia Sendino-Cañizares, Iratxe Rodeño-Esteban


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Background: Despite having been described for several centuries linitis plastica's (LP) prognostic implication remain unclear. Objective: To analyze the impact of LP on the survival of patients undergoing gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma. Method: A single-center retrospective study of cases of LP diagnosed and confirmed by pathological anatomy has been carried out in a third-level center for 5 years. Results: They were grouped into Linitis Plastica (LP), diffuse non-LP carcinomas (DNLP) and other adenocarcinomas (ADC). 199 gastrectomies performed in the same period of time were included in the comparative analysis. With a median follow-up of 54.5 months (95% CI: 37.0-65.0), the median survival of LP was 14 months (95% CI: 9-27) significantly lower (p = 0.002) compared to DNLP 51.5 months (95% CI: 25-70) and the rest of ADC 62 months (95% CI: 43-68). The OS at 1, 3 and 5 years was statistically worse in the LP group (69, 15, 8%) compared to DNLP (82, 54, 44%) and ADC (89, 63, 54%) (p = 0.073, p <0.001, p <0.001). In the multivariate analysis, LP was identified as an independent risk factor for OS with an HR of 3.26 (p = 0.001). Conclusions: LP is an independent prognostic factor associated with higher mortality in gastric cancer.
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Prognostic, Gastric cancer, Linitis plastica
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