Modelling non-local neural information processing in the brain


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The representation of the surrounding world emerges through integration of sensory information and actions. We present a novel neural model which implements non-local, parallel information processing on a neocolumnar architecture with lateral interconnections. Information is integrated into a holographic wave interference pattern. We compare the simulated in silico pattern with observed in vivo invasive and non-invasive electrophysiological data in human and non-human primates. Our model replicates the modulation of neural high-frequency activity during visual perception showing that phase-locked low and high-frequency oscillations self-organize efficiently and carry high information content. The simulation further models how criticality (high content) of information processing emerges given a sufficiently high number of correlated neurons. Non-local information processing, forming one holographic wave pattern, suggests a platform for emergence of conscious perception. One sentence summary Simulated non-local information processing on a neocolumnar architecture models well multiple electrophysiological observations of brain activity, including high-frequency activity during visual perception in primates. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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Key words
brain,information processing,modelling,non-local
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