NSPIS: Mining Negative Sequential Patterns with Individual Support

IEEE BigData(2021)

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Negative sequential pattern (NSP) mining is crucial and sometimes carries more enlightening information than positive sequential pattern (PSP) mining in data mining. Owing to its computational complexity and exponential search space, the task of discovering NSPs is often much more difficult and challenging than that for PSPs. To date, a few NSP mining algorithms have been proposed. However, most algorithms only consider a single support, thus can not present good results in many special real-world applications. To solve this problem and achieve better efficiency on a long sequence database or a large-scale database, we propose a novel algorithm called Negative Sequential Patterns with Individual Support (NSPIS) in this paper. The projection mechanism is adopted to NSPIS, which allows greatly reduce the search space and simultaneously improve the efficiency. Finally, detailed results of the experiments show that NSPIS can achieve better performance and it uses less memory on large datasets compared to the state-of-the-art algorithm.
data mining,sequential pattern,negative pattern,individual support
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