Performance Analysis of Ocean Eddy Detection and Identification by L-Band Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Sijing Shu, Ji Yang, Chuanxun Yang, Hongda Hu, Wenlong Jing, Yiqiang Hu, Yong Li


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The automatic detection and analysis of ocean eddies has become a popular research topic in physical oceanography during the last few decades. Compact polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (CP SAR), an emerging polarimetric SAR system, can simultaneously acquire richer polarization information of the target and achieve large bandwidth observations. It has inherent advantages in ocean observation and is bound to become an ideal data source for ocean eddy observation and research. In this study, we simulated the CP data with L-band ALOS PALSAR fully polarimetric data. We assessed the detection and classification potential of ocean eddies from CP SAR by analyzing 50 CP features for 2 types of ocean eddies ( "black "and "white ") based on the Euclidean distance and further carried out eddy detection and eddy information extraction experiments. The results showed that among the 50 CP features, the dihedral component power (Pd), shannon entropy (SEI), double bounce (Dbl), Stokes parameters (g0 and g3), eigenvalue (l1), lambda, RVoG parameter (ms), shannon entropy (SE), surface scattering component (Ps), and sigma HH all performed better for detecting "white " eddies. Moreover, the H-A combination parameter (1mHA), entropy, shannon entropy (SEP, SEI, and SE), probability (p2), polarization degree (m), anisotropy, probability (p1), double bounce (Dbl), H-A combination parameter (H1mA), circular polarization ratio (CPR), and sigma VV were better CP features for detecting "black " eddies.
ocean eddy detection,compact polarimetric SAR,polarimetric features
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