Echoes of charged black-bounce spacetimes


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In present work, the evolution of scalar field and electromagnetic field under the background of the charged black-bounce spacetimes are investigated, and we obtain an obvious echoes signal which appropriately reports the properties of the charged black-bounce spacetimes and disclose the physical reasons behind such phenomena. Furthermore, by studying the quasinormal ringdown, we analyze the three states of the charged black-bounce spacetimes in detail, our results show that the echoes signal only appears when (|Q|≤ m) and (|l|> m+ √(m ^2-Q^2)) in this spacetime, while when the parameters demand (|Q|>m) , the echoes signal will be transformed into a quasinormal ringdown of the two-way traversable wormhole, and the charged black-bounce is a regular black hole with normal horizons by requiring (|Q|≤ m) and (|l|< m-√(m ^2-Q^2)) .
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