Nonsurgical spinal decompression system traction combined with electroacupuncture in the treatment of multi-segmental cervical disc herniation: A case report.


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RATIONALE:With the spread of computers and mobile phones, cervical spondylosis has become a common occupational disease in clinics, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. We used a nonsurgical spinal decompression system (SDS) combined with physical therapy electroacupuncture (EA) to treat a case of mixed cervical spondylosis caused by multi-level cervical disc herniation, and we achieved satisfactory results. PATIENT CONCERNS:A 44-year-old Caucasian Asian woman presented with neck pain and numbness on the left side of the limb. MRI showed the patient's C3-C7 segment cervical disc herniation, and the flexion arch of the cervical spine was reversed. DIAGNOSIS:The patient was diagnosed with a mixed cervical spondylosis. INTERVENTIONS:The patient received a month of physical therapy (SDS traction combined with EA). OUTCOMES:Before and after treatment: VAS score of neck pain decreased from 8 to 0; Cervical spine mobility returned to normal; The grip strength of left hand increased from 7.5 kg to 19.2 kg; Cervical curvature index changed from -16.04% to -3.50%; the physiological curvature of the cervical spine was significantly restored. There was no dizziness or neck discomfort at 6 month and 1 year follow-up. LESSONS SUBSETIONS:SDS traction combined with EA is effective for the treatment of cervical disc herniation and can help restore and rebuild the biomechanical balance of the cervical spine.
articular, biomechanical phenomena, cervical disc herniation, electroacupuncture, intervertebral disc displacement, physical therapy modalities, range of motion, traction
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