Unexpected Terrain Induced Changes in Cortical Activity in Bipedal-Walking Rats


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Simple Summary Most studies on cortical dynamics during walking require subjects to walk stably on specific terrain. In fact, humans or other animals are often disturbed by an abrupt change in terrains during walking. To study the impact of unexpected terrain on cortical activity, we analyzed the kinematics and electroencephalography (EEG) dynamics of bipedal-walking rats after encountering unexpected terrain. We found that the gait of rats after encountering the unexpected terrain were significantly different from normal walking. Furthermore, the activities of the left and right primary motor areas (M1), the left and right primary somatosensory areas (S1), and the retrosplenial area (RSP) are coupled to gait cycle phase and varied with the terrain conditions. These findings suggest that unexpected terrains induced changes in gait and cortical activity, and provide novel insights into cortical dynamics during walking. Humans and other animals can quickly respond to unexpected terrains during walking, but little is known about the cortical dynamics in this process. To study the impact of unexpected terrains on brain activity, we allowed rats with blocked vision to walk on a treadmill in a bipedal posture and then walk on an uneven area at a random position on the treadmill belt. Whole brain EEG signals and hind limb kinematics of bipedal-walking rats were recorded. After encountering unexpected terrain, the theta band power of the bilateral M1, the gamma band power of the left S1, and the theta to gamma band power of the RSP significantly decreased compared with normal walking. Furthermore, when the rats left uneven terrain, the beta band power of the bilateral M1 and the alpha band power of the right M1 decreased, while the gamma band power of the left M1 significantly increased compared with normal walking. Compared with the flat terrain, the theta to low beta (3-20 Hz) band power of the bilateral S1 increased after the rats contacted the uneven terrain and then decreased in the single- or double- support phase. These results support the hypothesis that unexpected terrains induced changes in cortical activity.
EEG, kinematics, unexpected terrains, treadmill, bipedal-walking rats
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