Sustainability in Higher Education for the Global South:

Sustentabilidade em Debate(2016)

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A workshop on ‘Sustainability in Higher Education from the vantage of the Global South’was organized by the Azim Premji University between 12 and 14 January 2015 inBengaluru, India. Its goal was to explore how sustainability can be integrated into undergraduate,postgraduate and professional courses. The workshop was divided intofour sessions with interlinked themes – the first, with a focus on framing sustainability;the second, on integrating sustainability in higher education; the third, on sustainabilitycurricula; and the last, on pedagogy for sustainability. All four sessions were informedby the broader educational goal of enabling students from diverse backgrounds toenvision, conceptualise, research and implement sustainability in varied personal andprofessional contexts. Participants of the workshop drew upon their varied experiences,from India and institutions across the world, in the teaching and learning of the multidimensionalconcept of sustainability in diverse geographies. The questions, counterquestions,discussions and potential solutions raised during the workshop are presentedin this paper in a dialogic style.
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