Diet quality and diversity in the urban population of Argentina


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Following a varied diet is associated with a healthier diet and a greater likelihood of incorporating the necessary micronutrients. The dietary diversity index (DDI) is the indicator that measures this variety, while the diet quality index (DQI) determines how much of this diversity consists of the inclusion of healthy foods. The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality and diversity of the diet of the Argentine population by identifying differences by sex, age, socioeconomic level, nutritional status and region. The sample consisted of 1266 subjects of urban population, of both sexes, between 15 and 65 years of age and of all socioeconomic levels. Anthropometric and intake assessment was performed, through 2 24-hour recalls. The DDI was assessed following the guidelines proposed in 2016 by Food and Agriculture Organization and the development of the DQI was performed following the methodology of Imamura y col. The DQI was relatively low, with a score of 63.9%. The DDI was 4.48 out of a maximum of 10, reflecting a poorly varied diet; additionally, only 50% of the population reported a varied diet. These indicators are significantly lower in people with low SEL. The DDI and the percentage of people with a diverse diet was higher in people from the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. This study showed that the quality of the diet in the Argentine population is low and with a limited consumption of the food groups that provide the most micronutrients.
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Key words
diet diversity, diet quality, food consumption, Argentina
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