Benefit-cost analysis of a H7N9 vaccination program in poultry in Guangxi, China.

Preventive veterinary medicine(2022)

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China launched a H7N9 vaccination program in poultry, starting from the Guangxi and Guangdong provinces in July 2017, followed by other provinces in September 2017, as a response to a steep increase of H7N9 influenza human infections from September 2016. Since then, H5-H7 bivalent vaccine has been used in the nationwide avian influenza compulsory vaccination program to replace the existing H5N1 vaccine. However, the economic returns of the H7N9 vaccination program in China have never been adequately assessed. This study was designed to evaluate the economic value of the H7N9 vaccination program in Guangxi by assessing the benefits and costs of the program compared to not vaccinating against H7N9. A benefit-cost analysis (BCA) was undertaken to evaluate the adoption of a vaccination program against H7N9 in each of three consecutive years from July 2017 to June 2020 with the baseline scenario (the absence of H7N9 vaccination in the 12-month period July 2016 to June 2017). Both animal and public health perspectives were included in the BCA framework and took account of both the private and public sectors. Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) of the three-year H7N9 vaccination program was 18.6 (90 %PI: 15.4; 21.8), and total Net Present Values reached to CNY 1.63 billion (90 %PI: 1.37 billion; 1.89 billion). The extra revenue generated by the yellow broiler industry comprised 93.8 % of the total benefits after adoption of H7N9 vaccination program in Guangxi. While cost-savings in public health and animal health expenditure avoided were 3.6 % and 2.6 %, respectively. Total costs arising from adoption of the revised vaccination program over the three years were CNY 12.46 million (90 %PI: 11.49 million; 14.14 million), CNY 34.87 million (90 %PI: 31.88 million; 40.06 million), and CNY 44.28 million (90 %PI: 39.66 million; 52.27 million), respectively. Sensitivity analysis found the yellow broiler wholesale prices contributed 97.7 % of the variance of the total NPV of three vaccination years. The study results demonstrate the significant economic advantage of implementing a vaccination program against H7N9 in Guangxi. It also offers a new set of evidence to China's H7N9 vaccination policy and debates around economic values of conducting routine avian influenza vaccination.
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Key words
H7N9,Avian influenza,Vaccination policy,Benefit-cost analysis,China
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