Vitamin E and preterm infants

Free Radical Biology and Medicine(2022)

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In evaluating vitamin E (VE) nutritional status of preterm infants, it is essential that any data should be compared with those of healthy term infants, and never with those of adults. Moreover, it should be evaluated in terms of gestational age (GA), not birth weight (BW), because placental transfer of most nutrients from mother to fetus is dependent on GA, not BW. Judging from the limited data during the last 75 years, there was no significant correlation between GA and VE concentrations in circulation or in the red blood cells (RBCs), leukocytes, and buccal mucosal cells. In addition, the oxidizability of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in plasma or RBCs, as targets for protection by VE chain-breaking ability, was lower in preterm infants. However, because of the minimal information available about hepatic VE levels, which is considered a key determinant of whole body VE status, the decision on whether VE status of preterm infants is comparable with that of term infants should be postponed.
Preterm infants,Vitamin E,Bronchopulmonary dysplasia,Retinopathy of prematurity,Intraventricular hemorrhage,Clinical trial,Fetal circulation,SpO2 target,Modern neonatology
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