Impact of altering gut microbiota metabolism on osteomyelitis severity in obesity-related type 2 diabetes


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Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen causing osteomyelitis through hematogenous seeding or contamination of implants and open wounds following orthopedic surgeries. The severity of S. aureus-mediated osteomyelitis is enhanced in obesity-related type 2 diabetes (obesity/T2D) due to chronic inflammation impairing both adaptive and innate immunity. Obesity-induced inflammation is linked to gut dysbiosis, with modification of the gut microbiota by high-fiber diets leading to a reduction in the symptoms and complications of obesity/T2D. However, our understanding of the mechanisms by which modifications of the gut microbiota alter host infection responses is limited. To address this gap, we monitored tibial S. aureus infections in obese/T2D mice treated with the inulin-like fructan fiber, oligofructose. Treatment with oligofructose significantly decreased S. aureus colonization and lowered proinflammatory signaling post-infection in obese/T2D mice, as observed by decreased circulating inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α) and chemokines (IP-10, KC, MIG, MCP-1, and RANTES), indicating partial reduction in inflammation. Oligofructose markedly shifted diversity in the gut microbiota of obese/T2D mice mice, with notable increases in the anti-inflammatory bacterium, Bifidobacterium pseudolongum. Analysis of the cecum and plasma metabolome suggested polyamine production was increased, specifically spermine and spermidine. Oral administration of these polyamines to obese/T2D mice resulted in reduced infection severity similar to oligofructose supplementation, suggesting polyamines can mediate the beneficial effects of fiber on osteomyelitis severity. These results demonstrate the contribution of gut microbiota metabolites to the control of bacterial infections distal to the gut and polyamines as an adjunct therapeutic for osteomyelitis in obesity/T2D.
gut microbiota metabolism,osteomyelitis severity,diabetes,obesity-related
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