Power-to-Gas in a gas and electricity distribution network: a sensitivity analysis of modeling approaches


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Power-to-Gas (P2G) has been one of the most frequently discussed technologies in the last few years. On one hand, this technology allows CO2 free fuels to be produced, and on the other hand, thanks to its high flexibility, services to be offered to the power system that can, for example, improve the matching between Variable Renewable Energy Sources (VRES) and the electricity demand, and thus reduce problems related to VRES overproduction. The study of P2G plants connected to a transmission network used to offer flexibility to the Transmission System Operator (TSO) has been extensively analyzed in the literature. Instead, the analysis of these systems used within the distribution networks has only been dealt with in a few studies. This article presents a methodological analysis on some simulation approaches for this type of scenario. Critical conditions for the operation of such systems can in fact easily arise for distribution scenarios. It is therefore necessary to analyze the most appropriate modeling approach for these scenarios in order to avoid overestimating or underestimating the potential of P2G plants connected to distribution networks. The aim of this paper is to study the impact of some modeling approaches in order to determine whether, and under which conditions, they may be acceptable or not. An illustrative case study has been developed to perform this kind of analysis. The results have demonstrated that it is important to take into account the electric distribution network topology, as the performance of P2G plants could be affected by their placement in the network.
electricity distribution network,sensitivity analysis,power-to-gas
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