EP10.17: Right heart failure in a 36-week fetus with umbilical vein aneurism: a key to pathophysiology: Electronic Poster Abstracts

M. Yamamoto, J. Yakcich,H. Figueroa, A. Alcántara

Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology(2018)

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Umbilical vein aneurism (UVA) is a common finding in mid-trimester scan. It is rarely associated to bad prognosis but there are some reports of fetal demise, in otherwise normal fetuses. The mechanism of fetal demise is not described yet, and therefore, the follow-up is not proposed for this condition. A G4A1P3, 36-year-old woman with no adverse medical history. The pregnancy was otherwise normal, until the finding of a saccular dilation of the umbilical vein at 25 weeks, with maximal diameter of 12mm. The pregnancy went uneventful until 36 weeks, in which the UVA increased to 18mm, associated with right ventricle dilation and tricuspid regurgitation, which was absent earlier. The rest of the Doppler measurements were normal. Taking into account the gestational age and the evolution of the findings, labour was induced and the child was born in good condition, 3005g Apgar 9-10. Following birth, the aneurism reduced and the tricuspid regurgitation disappeared. The child is 4-month-old with normal cardiac evaluation. The physiopatholoy under this event is not known. We propose that UVA may produce elevated UV flow velocity, that may overload the right ventricle. In conclusion, the UVA is mostly a safe condition, but there are few cases with adverse outcome. The description of this case should prompt to closer follow-up. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
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Key words
umbilical vein aneurism,right heart failure,heart failure,fetus
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