Nonreciprocal and Non-Hermitian Material Response Inspired Semiconductor Transistors


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Here, inspired by the operation of conventional semiconductor transistors, we introduce a novel class of bulk materials with nonreciprocal and non-Hermitian electromagnetic response. Our analysis shows that material nonlinearities combined with a static electric bias may lead to a linearized permittivity tensor that lacks the Hermitian and transpose symmetries. Remarkably, the material can either dissipate or generate energy, depending on the relative phase of the electric field components. We introduce a simple design for an electromagnetic isolator based on an idealized "MOSFET-metamaterial" and show that its performance can in principle surpass conventional Faraday isolators due to the material gain. Furthermore, it is suggested that analogous material responses may be engineered in natural media in nonequilibrium situations. Our solution determines an entirely novel paradigm to break the electromagnetic reciprocity in a bulk nonlinear material using a static electric bias.
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Key words
semiconductor transistors,material,non-hermitian
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