Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: What We Learned in the Last Two Decades and the Future Perspectives

Journal of gastrointestinal cancer(2022)

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The advancement in surgical techniques, optimization of systemic chemoradiotherapy, and development of refined diagnostic and imaging modalities have brought a phenomenal shift in the treatment of the locally advanced rectal cancer. Although each therapeutic option has shown substantial progress in their field, it is finding their ideal amalgamation which has baffled the clinician and researchers alike. In the effort to identifying the perfect salutary treatment plan, we have even shifted our attention from the trimodal approach to non-operative “watchful waiting” to more recent individualized care. In this article, we acknowledge the scientific progress in the management of locally advanced rectal cancer and compare the opportunities as well as the obstacles while implementing them clinically. We also explore the current challenges and controversies surrounding the multidisciplinary approach and highlight the new trends and recent advances with an ultimate goal to improve the patients’ quality of life.
Chemoradiotherapy,Neoadjuvant therapy,Non-operative management,Rectal cancer,Surgery,Watchful waiting
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