Review: Structural Racism, Children's Mental Health Service Systems, and Recommendations for Policy and Practice Change.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry(2021)

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OBJECTIVE:Racism is a public health crisis that impacts on children's mental health, yet mental health service systems are insufficiently focused on addressing racism. Moreover, a focus on interpersonal racism and on individual coping with the impacts of racism has been prioritized over addressing structural racism at the level of the service system and associated institutions. In this paper, we examine strategies to address structural racism via policies affecting children's mental health services. METHOD:First, we identify and analyze federal and state policies focused on racism and mental health equity. Second, we evaluate areas of focus in these policies and discuss the evidence base informing their implementation. Finally, we provide recommendations for what states, counties, cities, and mental health systems can do to promote antiracist evidence-based practices in children's mental health. RESULTS:Our analysis highlights gaps and opportunities in the evidence base for policy implementation strategies, including the following: mental health services for youth of color, interventions addressing interpersonal racism and bias in the mental health service system, interventions addressing structural racism, changes to provider licensure and license renewal, and development of the community health workforce. CONCLUSION:Recommendations are provided both within and across systems to catalyze broader systems transformation.
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