Prevalence and diversity of rotavirus A in pigs: Evidence for a possible reservoir in human infection.

Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases(2021)

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BACKGROUND:Rotavirus A (RVA) are a group of diverse viruses causing acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in humans and animals. Zoonotic transmission is an important mechanism for rotavirus evolution and strain diversity in humans, but the extent of pigs as a major reservoir for human infection is not clear. METHODS AND FINDINGS:We have surveyed 153 pig farms across Taiwan with a total of 4588 porcine stool samples from three age groups from 2014 to 2017. Nursing piglets (less than one month of age) had higher detection rate for rotavirus than older age groups. Five VP7 (G) genotypes and 5 VP4 (P) genotypes were found in a total of 14 different G/P genotype combinations. In addition, porcine RVA strains had 2 NSP4 (E) genotypes and 3 VP6 (I) genotypes. A P[3]-like genotype was also discovered among strains collected in 2016 and 2017. CONCLUSIONS:Most of the genes from Taiwanese porcine strains clustered with each other and the lineages formed by these strains were distinct from the sequences of numerous regional variants or globally circulating porcine strains, suggesting an independent evolutionary history for Taiwanese rotavirus genotypes. The close relationship among porcine RVA strains and some unique porcine-like genotypes detected sporadically among human children in swine farms illustrates that pigs might serve as a reservoir for potential zoonotic transmission and novel genotype evolution in Taiwan's insular environment.
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