How do electronic engineering students experiment with remote labs?


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This paper presents some results of an empirical research related to the intensive use of remote laboratories for the fulfillment of the Laboratory program of an Engineering subject, since the suspension in 2020 of face-to-face classes at the university level in Argentina. The research was carried out in the context of the Physics of Electronic Devices (PED) subject, belonging to the fifth semester of Electronic Engineering, at the National University of Rosario (UNR). Of the total of 12 experimental activities of the program, 8 were implemented using two different remote laboratories belonging to the institution; both laboratories integrated with Moodle and managed from the Remote Laboratory Management System (RLMS) LabRem FCEIA-UNR. This system, developed by one of the authors, records parameters of interest for monitoring student activity and evaluating learning. For each student and for each laboratory, the system reports the details of the income, the number of tests carried out, the circuits tested and the results obtained. The results reported in this work involve data related to the realization of the practical work "Junction Capacitances", using the VISIR remote laboratory. 30 students participated, between August 2020 and July 2021. Interviews were subsequently conducted with some students to illustrate the quantitative data. The results provide knowledge about the uses of the remote laboratory resource in this exceptional context and the assessment by students of the VISIR tool and the new implementation. Likewise, the study enables us to assess the potential of the LabRem FCEIA-UNR system as a data source.
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Remote Laboratories, Engineering Education, VISIR
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