Spiral Humeral Fracture During Arm Wrestling: A Case Report and Literature Review.

Muhanand Wael, Mohammad M Mahmoud Jaber,Mazen A Abdullah, Saif Atyani,Abdulmalik Jaber, Nabila H Halta, Mohammad Ghannam


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Arm wrestling places an axial pressure load on the humerus with the glenohumeral joint stabilized and the elbow flexed and fixed. This situation can cause humeral shaft fractures. We present a case of humeral shaft fracture in a 22-year-old healthy man following an arm-wrestling challenge. The patient is known to be a bodybuilder and athlete. He presented to our university emergency department with a swollen and tender arm and intact neurovascular structures, reporting that he had recently engaged in arm wrestling with a colleague of similar shape and power. The fracture was treated conservatively based on the patient's informed decision using closed reduction and physiotherapy. He committed to scheduled clinic visits and physical therapy sessions and showed improvement with complete recovery and normal functioning on the thirteenth week.
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Key words
closed fracture reduction,humeral fractures,orthopedic,physiotherapy,wrestling
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