Health disparities in past influenza pandemics: A scoping review of the literature

SSM - Population Health(2023)

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Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing health disparities. To provide a historical perspec-tive on health disparities for pandemic acute respiratory viruses, we conducted a scoping review of the public health literature of health disparities in influenza outcomes during the 1918, 1957, 1968, and 2009 influenza pandemics.Methods: We searched for articles examining socioeconomic or racial/ethnic disparities in any population, examining any influenza-related outcome (e.g., incidence, hospitalizations, mortality), during the 1918, 1957, 1968, and 2009 influenza pandemics. We conducted a structured search of English-written articles in PubMed supplemented by a snowball of articles meeting inclusion criteria. Results: A total of 29 articles met inclusion criteria, all but one focusing exclusively on the 1918 or 2009 pan-demics. Individuals of low socioeconomic status, or living in low socioeconomic status areas, experienced higher incidence, hospitalizations, and mortality in the 1918 and 2009 pandemics. There were conflicting results regarding racial/ethnic disparities during the 1918 pandemic, with differences in magnitude and direction by outcome, potentially due to issues in data quality by race/ethnicity. Racial/ethnic minorities had generally higher incidence, mortality, and hospitalization rates in the 1957 and 2009 pandemics.Conclusion: Individuals of low socioeconomic status and racial/ethnic minorities have historically experienced worse influenza outcomes during pandemics. These historical patterns can inform current research to understand disparities in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and future pandemics.
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Key words
Health inequities,Influenza,Pandemic,Social class,Ethnic groups
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