Inductive voltage transformers calibration by the parameters

WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control(2010)

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The accuracy class of an IVT - Inductive Voltage Transformer - is typically assessed in laboratory installations either by comparing with another IVT presenting greater accuracy and traceable to a national laboratory or by using a capacitive divider. Calibration in the field using internal parameters is considered herein, using results obtained from typical open and short circuit tests and winding resistances, performed with common meters. A Möllinger & Gewecke graphic diagram is employed together with the results of an accuracy test previously carried out to determine the exact value of the winding turn relation and of the primary winding dispersion reactance. These values are used to calculate the phase and ratio errors, which must lie between definite limits, defined by the accuracy class of the instrument. Four commercial IVTs were tested to determine the validity of the procedure. The errors are compared with those obtained with the Schering-Alberti method (AC Bridge and comparison with standard IVT).
accuracy class,accuracy test,greater accuracy,standard IVT,laboratory installation,national laboratory,AC Bridge,Gewecke graphic diagram,Inductive Voltage Transformer,Schering-Alberti method
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